The end of all stories. Meditations


This meditative life story leads us to a breakthrough point where all the stories subside. With the disappearance of the story, „the end of all stories,” suffering, the feeling of separation and discomfort fade away. They are replaced by love, spontaneity, and pure joy.

Nitya speaks of an experience of unity and freedom. An experience available to everyone. „It’s a very subtle tuning in of all of one’s being to listening, a sort of a pricking up of one’s existential ears. And when this kind of listening begins, hearing will follow. Tune in, open up, give it space, and don’t get fixated. By tune in, I mean accept everything as it is. Don’t interfere, don’t get involved. Look and listen without intent. Simply put: just BE.”

During satsangs and meditations, Nitya shares the pointing with anyone who is willing to look within and ask themselves the question: Who am I? Her masters are Ramana Maharishi (1879-1950) and Mooji. Mooji gave her the name Nitya, which in Sanskrit means „eternal essence.” She speaks about herself: „I lead a casual life. I am a mother of two children. I work. I teach yoga. I play music. I have no knowledge to share. I am not a guru, teacher, or saint.” And yet the circle of Nitya’s students is growing all over the world. They say that in her presence, you can understand Freedom and find what you really are.

Książka „The end of all stories. Meditations” jest tłumaczeniem książki „Koniec wszystkich historii. Medytacje” na język angielski.