Do our thoughts really belong to us? Are we what we think we are? In this video, Nitya invites us to reflect deeply on the nature of Consciousness and points out that what we seek does not require acquisition or effort – our true nature is always present, closer than we might think.
Where do thoughts come from?
Thoughts seem to be our inner voice, but do they really come from us? Nitya points out that thoughts arise spontaneously in Consciousness, without the involvement of any "I". When we observe them carefully, we can see that thoughts simply happen, and they are not “ours.”
“See who this dialogue you hear in your head is for. Do you find something inside that brings this dialogue to life, that creates this thinking? Does it have any appearance? Does it have any specific feeling?”
~ Nitya asks.
This reflection leads to the profound understanding that the “I” is an illusion – a construct that creates the impression of separation from the rest of experience. But when we look carefully, we do not find “someone” who is the author of our thoughts.
Consciousness as a space of experience
Consciousness encompasses everything – every emotion, thought, feeling, even what seems difficult or undesirable. It is like a space that holds everything without rejecting anything. In it, both joy and suffering, a sense of meaning and moments of confusion find their place.
Nitya speaks of Consciousness as something that does not judge or evaluate. What seems “bad” or “wrong” at a given moment is actually part of a greater whole that encompasses everything. Even old age, illness, or death, which we ordinarily consider undesired, are fully accepted by Consciousness.
Recognizing that Consciousness is always present and open to all allows us to see life in its fullness. This space is the only constant amidst transient experiences—a backdrop that never changes. Consciousness is what enables us to experience each moment, regardless of its content.
Time to stop searching
Nitya points out that the mind loves to seek – it constantly strives for something that seems distant and unattainable. The search for special spiritual experiences, spectacular states or exceptional peace creates the illusion that something is missing. But nonduality invites us to discover that nothing needs to be acquired – what we seek is already there.
"What we seek is always already there - closer than it seems. Consciousness, which encompasses everything, is your nature. You do not have to acquire anything, because you cannot acquire what you already are."
The silence that Nitya speaks of is not just the absence of sound, but the space in which we can sober up from the illusion of separation. It is in this silence that we can see that Consciousness is always here – present in every moment, regardless of how we judge it.
The invitation to pause at the question, “Where do we look from, who are we?” may seem like a simple reflection, but it leads to a profound insight into the essence of our nature. Everything we seek is always already there—all we have to do is see. If you want to delve deeper into this topic, watch Nitya’s video and see what resonates with you.