Freedom without a reason - an introduction to Nonduality

This Satsang recording refers to the process of perceiving reality from the perspective of open awareness, free from previous beliefs and views. Initially, Nitya suggests approaching reality like a newborn baby who does not yet have developed thought perception. She then points out that as the child grows up, it begins to identify with its body and the labels given to it, which limits its perception of the world. This process leads to a sense of separation, which is reinforced by the environment, and ultimately creates a dualistic perception of reality. In Buddhism this is referred to as the "error of ignorance", that is, missing the original, nondual nature of consciousness.

In the video, Nitya points out that our common concept of freedom is based on the belief that we need to change something in our lives to be free. It may be a change of place of residence or work, or an escape from difficult situations. However, the true freedom that Nitya speaks of is not dependent on what happens outside. This freedom comes from our inner nature, something that is already present within us, regardless of external circumstances.

Nonduality – the path to discovering your true nature

In her reflections, Nitya emphasizes that the nonduality she speaks of is the experience of reality without the divisions of “I” and “outside world.” Nonduality is the discovery that we are one with all life, and everything we experience is part of that oneness. Our perception of ourselve as a separate entity is an illusion, and the truth lies in the understanding that everything that exists is interconnected and constitutes one indivisible whole. This is a space where there is no conflict, no need to change anything, because everything is already perfect as it is.

Meditation as a tool to discover freedom

Nitya points to the importance of meditation as a way to discover this deeper truth. Meditation is not just a technique, but above all a way to be in touch with who we really are. It is in meditation that we can experience that our thoughts, emotions and external events do not have to define or control us. In meditation, we discover a space where we are free from all limitations. In this silence and peace of mind, we begin to see that true freedom does not come from external circumstances, but from a deep understanding of our inner nature.

Meditation therefore becomes not only a tool, but a source of profound insight into our true identity.

Freedom in everyday life

Nitya points out that true freedom is not an experience reserved for moments of meditation or spiritual practice. In the video, you will learn that this freedom is something we can find in every moment of our lives, regardless of what is happening around us. It is the ability to be fully present, without the need to escape pain or seek pleasure.

Freedom is not about avoiding difficulties, but about deeply understanding that our inner sense of fulfillment and peace does not depend on external circumstances. In every moment, even in the face of challenges, we can find that inner space that is free from expectations and fears. Freedom is our natural essence, which does not depend on any change in the external world, but rather on our ability to find and root in what is permanent and true within ourselves.

Finding peace in daily moments

Nitya invites us to discover that what we seek outside is already present within us. It makes us realize that it is not about achieving something extraordinary. We don't need to change anything or look somewhere else. True freedom and peace are available in every moment, including in ordinary, everyday activities. Life does not require us to make an effort to be complete. It is a matter of noticing that everything is already as it should be. The video encourages us to discover this truth not only during practice, but also in everyday life.

Watching the full video is a great opportunity to dive deeper into this teaching and experience for yourself what true freedom is. Freedom that is not a result of external conditions, but is our natural nature.

Fragment of Satsang in Dojo, August 2024.

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