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Celebracja: “10 lat PrzyJaźni”

It's time to celebrate together 10 years of meeting yourSelf, which was born from intimate meetings in my home, and today is flourishing, reaching thousands of people.

In 2014, Nitya Sangha and the Nitya Meditation YouTube channel were created. Since then, we have been creating a community in Poland around Satsang, the foundation of which is non-duality and discovering our true nature.

These ten years are not only a time of contemplation, but also a space where we build something deeper – community and friendship. Now is the time to celebrate what we have created together and to give thanks for this journey.

A celebration like this happens once a decade!

I invite you to join me in celebrating this non-dual jubilee.

  • KIEDY?

    • 30 listopada 2024 o godzinie 16:00

  • GDZIE?

    • naszym kanale YouTube @NityaMeditation – nadajemy na żywo z Pałacu Kultury i Nauki w Warszawie


- 16:00
- 30.11.2024


YouTube: @NityaMeditation