The world we live in is composed of thoughts and concepts. We label everything that happens to us and have our opinions on every subject. We describe the world using opposites: I like this, but I don't like that; this is right, and that is wrong; I want this, and I don't want that. We imagine ourselves as the center of control, and every other person as another center of control. This is how the dualistic world looks, where everything relates to the ego – the so-called independent self.
Most people are content with their dualistic lives and do not wish to look deeper. However, some, in the face of tragic circumstances – illness or death – begin to feel the need to discover another perspective.
Nonduality is that perspective.
It points to a reality that exists beyond words. When we rely on words, we can acquire knowledge, but when we go beyond them, we recognize the unnamed reality – ourselves.
Nitya speaks about the opportunity to recognize this reality in this way:Â
"We live in incredible times. In the past, masters who knew the nondual reality hid in caves. Only a few reached them. Today, masters speak to people all over the world. We can be in their presence.Â
It seems that due to this easy access, we underestimate the great opportunity that life offers us – the most important chance in life. We hide behind tradition, religion, work, and duties. We choose masters who no longer live, not trusting the living ones. Ultimately, we ignore the master who is within us.Â
How surprising it is to discover that heaven is here. This life is for freedom; don't waste it running after the wind."
Throughout the centuries, many people have tried to speak about nonduality. They came from different parts of the world and traditions. In the Hindu school of Advaita Vedanta, nonduality is called Advaita, which in Sanskrit means not-two (a – not, dvaita – two). The goal of Advaita was to realize the absolute undivided truth – reality without concepts and opinions from second or third-hand sources.Â
Nonduality is not a religion, science, or philosophy.
It is a reality that can be discovered through insight. Nonduality teachers point to it, but the seeker must recognize the truth themselves. Nitya says, "You cannot be what you think you are because belief is secondary to your basic nature. No concept can be true. Abandon all concepts, and nondual reality will appear by itself."
Seekers of nonduality often want to rely on ideas from books and masters. But true insight comes from awareness, not from thoughts. Nitya speaks of coming to this knowledge in the following way:
All this confusion and mess began with the desire to know oneself.
So engaging and alive that you have to pay with pain.
Maybe one day the desire will get tired, subside, and breathe.
It will see that there's nothing to understand. And there never was."
He also explains the nonduality in these beautiful short words:Â
"Life is a monologue. No dialogue ever happened. We're just talking to ourselves, thinking we're talking to each other."
The amount of suffering we experience can be measured by how attached we are to our beliefs.