What is awakening about? Who is it for?
Enlightment is for those who haven't found solace in the world. For those who find the sensory and object-based world insufficient. For those who have had enough because they can't find happiness in earthly pleasures.
At some point, they notice that happiness appears spontaneously when there are no thoughts, desires, and emotions, and it disappears when thoughts, emotions, and desires return. They also discover that happiness is not related to the quantity of possessions, acquired knowledge, or accumulated experiences. The latter come and go. They are not eternal, and you can't take them to the grave. They begin to understand that the mechanism of seeking happiness outside is the essence of their unhappiness. When they discover this, they naturally start redirecting their attention inward.
Nitya speaks of awakening in this way:
"It's as if you've returned home after a long journey and finally rested for the first time in your life. As if you felt completely fulfilled without the slightest sense of lack. It's as if you've been searching for something your whole life and finally found it.
You realize then that the happiness you were seeking was always with you, but you couldn't see it. You were busy looking outside. And happiness and presence never left you for a moment. All it took was for you to wake up.
Awakening makes you stop living under the dictates of the mind's beliefs and the conditioning you absorbed throughout your life. Instead, you naturally begin to trust presence. The presence that you are.
It's like returning home from a journey you never left. From the inside, you feel and understand that all successes, desires, dreams, even the noblest ones, are nothing compared to awakening to who you are. Then, you stop calling suffering suffering and happiness happiness. You don't run from the first, nor do you crave the second.
We are accustomed to considering a lifestyle where we constantly refer to experiences and knowledge as normal. We avoid difficulties and pain. We try to cope with the present, not really seeing it. We build the future based on the past, woven with highs, lows, and hopes.
Oh, if only I could show you a different way of being. One where it doesn't matter. Where you feel gratitude for every moment just as it is.
The past is gone, the future has not yet come, and we are still busy dealing with them. Moment by moment, we oversleep this day – dreaming that we are living.
We believe we are moving forward, but we're just going in circles. We replay the same dream of life. On every topic, we have to have our opinion and world-poly-view, even though it hurts us the most.
We consider this dead sleeping life quite normal, and disorder as the quintessence of human life.
Oh, what a pity.
You probably sense that I'm right. But do you have enough courage to leave this sleeping life?
Ah, if I could show you how wonderful the world can be, how beautiful people are and how beautiful you are. You simply forgot. You don't even know that you've been looking for it all your life. No matter what awaits you next and no matter what happened yesterday, this moment will never happen again. Neither is this meeting.
Turn back! This wild rush will get you nowhere. You still have time to live truly. To wake up. There is another way of being - beautiful and authentic.
Perhaps you don't believe me today, but I assure you with all my heart: Yes, it is possible. And I wish you not only to read or talk about it but to experience it continuously."
When you say you love somebody it has nothing to do with that person. You simply say who you are.